Friday, March 18, 2011

...Finish Your Sentences?

Stan: Why do you always...

Dan: ...finish your sentences?

Stan: Yes, it's something that's...

Dan: ...been bothering you for a long time?

Stan: Yes.

Dan: Well, it's a habit that started in grade school. When the teacher called on another kid, sometimes the kid would start to answer and then get stuck. So I would supply the rest of the answer.

Stan: And this habit has stayed with you...

Dan: ...ever since that time.

Stan: But there must be something you can...

Dan: about it? The only thing I could do about it would be to find some person who might be willing to...

Stan: ...finish your sentences?

Dan: Yes, if I could just find someone to finish my sentences...

Stan: would put a little balance in your life?

Dan: Right.

Stan: But why does it have to be someone else? Why couldn't it be...

Dan: ...the same person? Why couldn't the same person whose sentences I finish...

Stan: the same person who finishes your sentences?

Dan: I don't know. Let's ask this...

Man: over here. What can I do for you fellows?

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